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What are the molds made of?

Our ConcreteBenchMolds are made of super durable, linear, low density polyethylene. They are virtually indestructible and can be used over and over to make hundreds of benches when you want them.

What are the dimensions of the molds?

When laid on their backs, the molds are 34.5 in (l) x 25 in (w) x 3.75 in (h).

How much does a bench made using ConcreteBenchMolds weigh?

This would depend on the materials used to make the bench. A rough estimate is around 260lb.

What if I am unhappy with my purchase?

We sincerely hope that this is not the case, but in the event you would like to return your molds, please send us an email. We offer a 45 day money back guarantee. Shipping costs will not be refunded.

How many times can the molds be used?

Previous customers have reported using the same molds repeatedly for over ten years and counting.

How many benches can I make at one time?

You need one set of molds per bench. By purchasing additional sets, you can increase productivity and pour concrete for several benches simultaneously.

What is the lifespan of a bench made using your molds?

Again, this would depend on the specific materials used, as well as the weather conditions. You can expect a 30-50 year lifespan with periodic maintenance.

Can your molds be used to create advertising benches?

Yes. Many of our customers have purchased molds for this purpose. We offer a specially adapted mold with space for four back slats (rather than the standard 3 slat model). The 4 slat model will provide space for a sign of 15.25 inches in height. Ads printed on a variety of mediums can simply screw into the backrest. Please note that our molds have a slight curve of the back and that ads printed on rigid materials may not be suitabe. Speak to your local sign maker for suggestions regarding the type of material best suited to your needs.

What is the difference between your standard and advertising models?

The models are essentially the same. The only difference is the number of holes drilled into the backrest for slats. In the standard model, there are three holes drilled into each mold to allow for 3 slats that are of a uniform width to those on the bench seat. The advertising model has 4 holes drilled into each mold, allowing for 4 slats. This is to provide a greater surface area on which to fix advertising material.

Can I purchase your bench molds from outside the US?

Yes, but only from Canada. Currently, our website is set up for customers within the US only. If you wish to make a purchase from outside the US, please get in touch with us via the contact form on the website. Local taxes and international shipping costs will apply to purchases made by customers outside the US.



How to build your own park bench new

What our customers say:

 "We have had great success with the molds. They work great. We have made 30 sets with no failures to date."

-Dave Frasier, Blue Water Area Transit, MI

"I recommend the concrete bench molds because they are very sturdy and easy to use. We have made 9 benches so far ranging in sizes from 4' to 8'. With the reusable molds, the more you make the less they cost. The benches look good and are heavy enough that they are hard for someone to steal." 

-Max Rodgers, City of Douglas, MI

 "I used the concrete bench mold as part of my Eagle Scout Project. I could never have stayed in budget without them. Everyone was thrilled with the benches."

-Bryan Romanow, Eagle Scout Project, NJ

"It was more fun making our own benches, they may have been better quality, and in the long run less expensive. We expect the molds to be used again as they are in great shape."

Bill and Matt Hagan, Eagle Scout Project, NY